Genealogies of Sheppard, Cash, Hairston and related families of Georgia, South Carolina and Virginia.

Sheppard, Cash and Hairston families of Georgia, South Carolina and Virginia








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This site is now and will forever be under construction. We will try to facilitate the navigation of the pages as best we can. Each page on the site will have a dark green menu along the left side with the options Home, Search, Surnames, Ancestors, Descendants, Pedigrees, Histories, and Links in yellow. The Home link will always take you back to this page. Search will of course take you to our search page were you can search not only our site but several other good sites as well as the the resources of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) at There you can also search the databases of Surnames will take you to our surname page. This page is under going a major revision and if the name you are researching is not found then try searching our search page for it because many of our surnames may at any given time not yet be on the surname page. The Ancestors and Descendants pages will give you a list of ancestors or descendants for a particular individual. Most but not all of these are pages on our own site. If a link takes you to another site just use you back button on your browser to to return to our site. From within the Ancestors and Descendants pages you will find links to parents and children. If a parent or child is not a link then the parent or child of that individual is unknown. Some individuals are in several databases and have more known links in some that in others. Use our Search page to find all the databases we have which contain information about that person. Of all our resources on the site the Pedigrees are the most time consuming and difficult to produce. At this time we have not put any pedigree trees on our server. They will be forth coming but because of their layout the green menu on the left may have to left off. If so there will be links to take you back to at least the Home page. The Histories page has histories which are relative to either the surnames or locations on the site. Links are just links we think some of you may find interesting. Some are genealogy or family history links and some are other subjects. At the bottom of some pages you will find these buttons: HomeFirstPreviousNextLast The Home ( Home ) button will take you to either the main index page or to the main beginning page of a descendants or ancestry tree. The First ( First ) button will take you to the first page of a descendant or ancestry tree. The Previous ( Previous ) button will take you back one page in a descendant or ancestry tree. This may or may not be the same as the history on your browser. Use you back and forward buttons on your browser to move back and forward through you history. The Next and Last (Next Last) buttons work just like the First and Previous but they move you forward not backward. With these buttons will be links to Surnames and Name Index. These links go the surnames and name indexes of only that particular descendant or ancestry tree. Please email us about any broken links or suggestions about navigation.

A note about sources:

We have taken care to include sources as much possible. Because of the large number of names many sources are not cited. We will attempt to answer email regarding sources as best we can and though it often takes a long time to get to all the email we will try. We make no guarantee as to the accuracy of any of the data and advise everyone to use it only as a guide and research their own sources and never rely solely our our data or any other online data.


We have GED files for family members or others for non-commercial use. None or our data is to be used for commercial use. If you would like a particular GED file email us and we will tell you how you can get it.

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Copyright 2000 - 2011 by John R. Taylor

Last updated Aug. 29, 2011